Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life Lesson #34: You will, no doubt, work for an idiot. .

Whether it is your first job, your third job, your last job or, unfortunately, all of your jobs, at some point you will work for an idiot.

The problem, of course, is that many times in life, you will be smarter than your boss. It's not just that you think you are smarter than your boss, it's that, truthfully, you are smarter than your boss. For some reason, this moron has climbed the ladder quicker than you. Either his daddy has made contributions to the company, he has slept with the right people, he was in the right place at the right time, his people skills kick ass or he's just luckier than you. Either way, he's on top and you're underneath (that's what she's said).
Your job may suck (like mine). You may wake up every morning, praying for a blizzard even when it's June, just so that you don't have to go to work. You may go to bed every night thinking, 'Dear God, I hope that something happens and I wake up tomorrow rich and/or a superhero'. Although, even superheros have to go to work.

And it must suck 100x more to be a superhero in a regular job because I'm sure they just want to bust out of their cotton and into their spandex and go ape shit on their copy machines and instead of telling their bosses what they can do with their mass mailings, they can literally show them. *sigh* How nice.
What I can't figure out is how all of the morons are getting jobs. At my young age, I've already worked for my fair share of idiots. I've worked for the idiots who have no people skills but are smart at what they do-that's one type of idiot; I've worked for the idiots who are excellent with people but can't add two and two together-that's another kind; I've witness the kind who are beautiful but have nothing else going on for them-that's a whole other kind. Maybe it's just me, but I feel if you are going to be in a position of authority, you should have people smarts AND book smarts. Unfortunately, these people are few and far between.

In my opinion, the worst thing about idiotic bosses, is they have this ridiculous notion that they are WAY more important than they actually are. Its as if to make up for their lack of intelligence, they boast their ego with...I don't even know...some personality version of Viagra. It's fake and doesn't fool anyone but themselves.
In some rare occasions, morons will somehow pull a multi-million dollar company out of their asses. This is a huge problem for the rest of us. It encourages the rest of the dumbasses and makes them believe that they, too, can succeed with barely half a brain and no common sense. It also re-enforces the idea that the intellectually challenged should be given positions of authority.

And, of course, let us not forget the idiots that you will undoubtedly work with. They will smell, not shower, not brush their teeth-if they have teeth, have horrible stories that they will tell you over and over, eat your lunch, read your emails, spread gossip, steal your pens, yet somehow more than likely get along with your boss.

Of course, not everything about work is bad. Sometimes you can find your soul mate...

Sometimes you find your person...

But most of the time you're just going to find someone like this...

...and an idiot who thinks he's a lot smarter and more important than he actually is.

So basically what you should strive for is a job that never seems like a job but that always seems to keep your bank account full of lots of goodies...

You know, like money, jewelry, gems, countries...those sorts of things.

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