Thursday, June 9, 2011

Life Lesson #25: It takes a lot of balls to ask people for money

Most recently, my sister-in-law Lucy asked me if I was aware of the blog her cousin writes. I told her I was but that I had never read it. Lucy quickly filled me in. To say I was stunned is a drastic understatement though not as stunned as I was this morning when I read it for myself.

Lucy's cousin, Courtney, is about 28 years old, happily married with three young children. She has a degree in elementary education but is a stay-at-home mom while her husband does carpentry work. They appear to be a very happy, loving family.
It has always been Courtney's dream to have a large family, at least four children. All you have to do is read her blog to know this. (I don't want to post it in case it can be traced back to me but it's on blogspot and it's title is waitingonsix) Courtney's dream was almost crushed, though, at the beginning of her marriage. They tried to conceive shortly after getting married but struggled for the first year. Her doctor said it might just not be in the cards for her (I know all of this via Lucy, and supposedly I'm the gossip. Riiight...). You can imagine their happiness when she got pregnant with their first son, than their daughter and their youngest just turned one about a week ago. They are in the beginning stages of building their own home. They have dogs and cats, hamsters and birds. They are a frickin' TLC show waiting to happen so you'd think they'd be content to wait for baby number 4 to come along whenever, right? WRONG-O!

Apparently, one morning good ol' Courtney woke up and decided she and her loving hubby needed to adopt a child. Where did this idea come from? Well, you see, God put this idea in her heart. I don't know if God appeared as a burning bush over-night or an angel visited or if Courtney was just suffering from indigestion but she's claiming God put this idea in her heart. The truly outrageous part is evidently God was pretty specific: He wants them to adopt a girl. From Ethiopia. Under the age of 4. She may or may not come with a sibling, that part doesn't matter, all that matters is that Courtney adopts her...and that she's a she...from Ethiopia...and is under the age of 4. I guess God 1) doesn't care about the orphans from other countries 2) doesn't care about boys or 3) doesn't think Courtney can handle any children who don't fit those requirements.
So now you're probably thinking, okay, this lady is a little off but not too off, I mean she's kind hearted enough to adopt a child in need, what's the big deal? Let her! I'm sure someone out there needs a mother and Angelina Jolie has to reach a limit at some point! Well, sit back my dear stalkers but this tale is about to take a turn into Crazyville (is there really a Crazyville? Time out, let me check Google Maps...Nope BUT there is a Looneyville, WV. NICE!)
Sadly, Courtney's family doesn't have the money to adopt a child. To adopt an international child, it costs between $22,000-45,000. I found this out by reading the blog. Does this problem deter Courtney? OF COURSE NOT! She just sends out a letter to all her family and friends asking them for funds so they can adopt! Obviously, she explains her epiphany from God and how this is her family's calling. Now I don't know this for sure but I'm doubting she explained that the reason they are lacking the funds right now is due to the fact that they are building their own house...
I understand that asking for money from your relatives usually involves swallowing a lot of self-pride. Most people are too proud to ask for help when they need it, especially when it involves money. Apparently, Courtney has no pride. I'm sure she'd be the first to tell you that where children are concerned, it doesn't matter, you do what you have to do for your children. How very noble of you, Courtney. Here's an idea: how about instead of begging your friends and relatives for money that you don't have, putting your family so far in the hole you definitely won't be able to live as you do now, being indebted to your friends and family for the rest of your life (and what happens to the people who give money should you not raise enough? do you give the money back or hold on to it until you do have the funds?), how about you WAIT and save your own damn money to adopt this child? Or maybe you go back to work as well? Don't want to pay for daycare than maybe YOU take in some kids for daycare and earn an extra $2000/month. Did God, while calling to you with these extremely detailed instructions, put a time limit on this?

I am all for adoption. God bless the wonderful parents who give homes to the millions of orphans out there who need loving homes. But I also think that adoption is hard for a reason. They make you jump through so many hoops because they want to make sure you are serious about it, that you realize what is all involved and that you aren't doing it just so others think you are a good human being. I just don't think every family is made for adoption...
If Courtney is all gung-ho for giving a child a home, why doesn't she become a foster parent? Or why doesn't she adopt a US child, they are much cheaper? Why does it have to be NOW? If they can't afford the adoption process, how are they going to provide for FOUR YOUNG CHILDREN? Chances are, the little girl from Ethiopia won't be healthy and will definitely need to be up-dated on her shots, which of course costs money, how will they be able to afford that? Another fund-raiser? Car wash? Dodgeball tournament?

Personally, I think there is something seriously wrong with this lady. If I were part of the adoption company (company? team? agency? agency.), I wouldn't give someone a child who had to go out and fund raise for her because to me that just says, "Wow, this woman is looking for a cause not a daughter." In the meantime, I'm just going to sit back, relax, and wait for the telethon that is sure to come.

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