Thursday, June 16, 2011

Life Lesson #14: Just because you have a bank account, doesn't mean you are making bank.

For some reason, I recently had the notion that I had money. Don't get me wrong, Gus and I aren't starving nor was I going hog wild and buying lots of crazy things like Kate Spade purses or Jimmy Choo shoes.

 Hell, I was aware to the fact that I at least didn't have the extra $525.00 to spend on pumps. Although, I wish I did. Look at how gorgeous they are...
Anyway, I know my mother will no doubt chalk it up to the fact that I recently got a debit card but the truth is my little fantasy began long before my plastic buddy arrived in the mail. I think it all began with my trip to Minneapolis. You see, my friends tend to have more money than I do. Sometimes it's nice because they treat me to delicious dinners and brunches but other times, it plain sucks donkey butt.
Have you ever noticed that when women get together, they tend to act like one another? (When they are friends that is.) They talk alike, they dress in the same style, they laugh at the same things...they spend money the same way. Okay, none of that's true now that I think about it. The only thing that is is the laughing thing. My friends and I all have the same sense of humor. We all have style but not the same. We don't find the same men attractive. We have a tendency to like the same food and restaurants but not drinks. We talk different with different accents but can understand each other without words. So really, I'm just looking for a scapegoat. Crap.

*Side note: Did you know there is such a thing as a FAINTING goat? True story. They are tiny little buggers that go stock stiff when scared than fall over like they are plastic lawn decorations. You Tube it. It'll make your day. I promise.
So back to the story, I have been on a spending binge with money I don't have. Nothing astronomical that I would notice and go, "Whoa, maybe I better take a pause for the cause" but rather small things here and there: a cup of coffee at work, Starbuck's on the weekend, a toy for Gus during a Target trip, two very nice yet unnecessary trips to Hobby Lobby that I had managed to totally rationalize in my mind at the time, jewelry, more gifts for Gus, a weekend of rummage sales...these things added up without my knowledge! HOW DARE THEY?

That's right sandy kid, you tell 'em who's boss. The problem is I have quit my job in order to go back to school full-time. I know, I'm amazing like that. I went to school for three years...kind of. It was more like 50% school 50% partying...okay 30% school 70%...fine 5% school 95% partying but man, it was one great party. Anyway, now I'm going back to school full-time so that I can get a real job in the real world and make real money instead of this bullshit $10.60/hr that I make now. Seriously, that's what I make. I am below the poverty line and it ain't fun, kids so STAY IN SCHOOL AND DON'T PARTY...too much.
So I'm done with work June 30 and will have to live off my savings, the government and *shudder* my parents for the next 2-2.5 years while I get my BS in English Education. Either way, I need to save. No more gifts. No more accessories. No more ANYTHING that isn't a necessity and by necessity, I actually mean necessity not, 'If I don't get this I'm going to die!' necessity of a 13/25 year old in a sweet fashion boutiques.

It is always so disappointing to realize you are broke. It's always devastating to realize you were always broke but were spending the "money" anyway. Wouldn't it be nice if the bank just kept replenishing your account every time you took out some money? That way you would never have to worry about a thing! Wow, I guess the medicine they gave me for my strep has really gone to my head...

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