Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Life Lesson #40: Why fly when getting there is half the fun.

Well minions, you will never believe it but Cruella caved and let Gus and I go visit Buttercup! Yes, LET US go, wow, apparently I'm back in middle school. *sigh* Regardless, WE GOT TO GO! It was a complete blast. Prepare to be degrees....I wouldn't want you to die of shock and awe so I will retell our awesome tale in sections.

First off, have you ever driven a great distance with a toddler? (By great distance, I mean over an hour.) No?  Well, it's really something you should avoid at all costs. Seriously. I knew it was going to be rough on Gus but I figured we'd break up the ELEVEN HOUR drive by driving 8 hours on Monday, spend the night at Pooper's, than drive the remaining three hours on Tuesday. I thought it was a fantastic idea and it was. It worked out perfectly. Gus was, in all seriousness, a complete angel on the drive to Pooper's. (Okay, I just googled images for angelic toddler boy and you know what came up? Anthony frickin' Hopkins from Silence of the Lambs. W.T.F. We will skip a picture and instead, use your imagination like people back in the 80's were forced to.)

When we got to Pooper's city, we went shopping right away because I figured it be nice for Gus to have some stimulation, get out of the car, I could walk and hopefully, regain feeling in my ass. Plus, Pooper and Schnookems had plans until about 7 so we had some time to kill as we had left at 5:30 in the morning. Don't ask. Anyway, we got to the mall and Gus was over-whelmed by the amount of people.

I didn't get much shopping down though I did pick up some sweet threads (yes, I think I am a late 90's sitcom) for Gus from H&M. My boy is going to be stylin'. Basically a Kingston Rossdale but with curly caramel locks. But I digress.

After two hours, Gus decided he was done shopping. Schnookems and Pooper were still at the lake so what could a girl do? I went to see Melman and Bear. :)

Ever since Bear bailed on me for Buttercup's wedding, we haven't really been talking, wait, let's re-write, we haven't talked at all. However, I talk to Melman on a regular basis and I told him I would be in town so we agreed to get together (I had to drop off a movie for him anyway) and he could finally meet Gus.

Apparently, Melman felt no need to let Bear in on the fact that I would be in town, which I found interesting given the fact that they are roommates and Gus and I would be stopping over at their place. *Food for thought* (Re-cap: Schnookems believes Melman to be in love with me.) We got there and these two 25 year old men were playing Halo. WOW. Gus and I played with his Cars cars until he warmed up to the guys, and they put down their own toys.

THEY WERE GREAT WITH GUS. :) I was so happy to see two of my guy friends interacting with my son. Bear got him giggling; Melman put on Pixar shorts for him than Cars because he knows Gus loves that movie. It seriously warmed my heart. I don't know why but seeing Bear and Mel with Gus, well, each time he smiled at one of them, I fell a little bit more in love with each of them.

We spent about an hour with the boys before heading over to Pooper's. It was wonderful seeing the girls again. Schnookems was able to see Gus and I back in June, albeit briefly, but Pooper hadn't seen him since he was a month old. It was great. (Warning: Everything about this trip was great so be prepared to read that sentence a lot) Pooper cooked fantastic shrimp tacos-Gus had mac and cheese from Noodles & Company. Yum. Unfortunately, we didn't get a lot of time to talk as Gus had to go to sleep but wouldn't unless I was lying with him and it took forever as he was super hyper due to the long ass drive and being over-tired. I fell asleep immediately.

That was the last I saw of Schnookems but I got a chance to chat with Pooper in the morning. Once again she cooked for us and Gus got to spend more time with her. I'm starting to think he's over-coming his shy phase....maybe...probably not...

We took off before lunch, poor Gus, not knowing that he still had to drive 3 hours. I felt bad but I just focused on one thing---I was about to spend nearly a whole week with Buttercup! With two and a half states between my mother and me. :)

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